Why Christian Education?

The Truth that resounds in Christian Education is that “the Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” It is the task of Christian educators, to unveil God’s grand story of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. God’s perfect world was broken by the Fall, and all things are indeed affected and infected by sin. And yet, Creation remains good and He invites us to join in the work of renewal. Students in Christian schools are invited to respond to the call to be co-workers with God in the process of redirecting all things to their God-designated purposes. Christian Education acknowledges God’s inherent design, absolute sovereignty, and providential care over all things. From magnets to daffodils, basketball to technology, quadratic equations to musical compositions, He is Lord. It is from engaging in “His-Story” that Christian Education finds its ongoing purpose.
This six-minute film from the Society of Christian Schools in British Columbia focuses on Christian worldview in education, student engagement, life benefits, ethnic diversity and inclusion of all students. We trust that you will find it a beneficial resource to understand the why of Christian education, to see how God shapes the hearts and lives of students through learning in a Christian context.
The Bishop Of London On Christian Education
“A Christian education is not secular education with a halo, and a school does not become a Christian school because the teaching of the Christian religion is one of the subjects in the curriculum. Christian education is education in a school which embodies Christian attitudes and insights in its corporate life and in which Christian insights find expression in every subject in the curriculum.”
Simply put, Christian Education is education that sees God’s sovereignty over all things; from microscopes to civil engineering, from soccer to physics, from mathematics to drama. Christian Education is education that is provided from a distinctly Christian perspective, or worldview. In the words of Abraham Kuyper, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, ‘Mine!’”