About Houston Christian School
Educate, Engage, Equip…to the Glory of God
Houston Christian School is located in the town of Houston in northern British Columbia. Nestled in the beautiful Bulkley Valley, Houston is a picturesque community with many opportunities for outdoor adventures and close-knit, small town connections.
Established in 1962, by a group of dedicated and determined Dutch immigrants, Houston Christian School works in partnership with families who follow Jesus and our local churches, to equip students in grades K-12 for lives of responsible and knowledgeable discipleship of our Lord. Almost six decades later, we continue onward, deeply committed to this original vision, to offer an education to our covenant children that acknowledges Christ’s Lordship over every dimension of our human existence.
Who We Are
We are committed, in faith, to a world and life view which is Reformed in emphasis and character, solidly rooted in God’s infallible Word.
We especially recognize the need for home, church, and school to work together in enabling students to apply Biblical values to all areas of life.
We aim to provide a secure environment in which students are able to develop academically, spiritually, physically, socially, artistically and emotionally.
We recognize the uniqueness of each student and encourage them to develop their varied gifts to the glory of God.
We want our children to be equipped with discernment and confidence, to be committed to stewardship, and to increase their desire to imitate Christ, so that through the power of the Holy Spirit they will work towards transforming society rather than conforming to it.

our vision
“like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season” Psalm 1:3
The image of the fruit bearing tree in Psalm 1 shapes our vision. We aim to inspire our students to “thrill to God’s Word” and to “chew on Scripture day and night.” We claim our identity as “trees replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, never dropping a leaf, always in blossom.” God “charts the road we take,” as a school deeply rooted in Him, and He charts the path of our students, as they venture beyond the HCS campus into the world around them. (The Message)

Our History
The fall of 2022 marks the 60th year of Christian School operations in Houston. Our “Diamond Jubilee!”
To mark the 25th year of HCS operations, the Anniversary Committee at the time published “Stones for the Lord,” a booklet celebrating Christian Education in Houston. The words shared here below come directly from this informative and entertaining narrative that chronicles the early days and years of planning that resulted in a dream and vision fulfilled.
The first records of an organized Christian School Society in Houston are found in an orange scribbler, its wide-ruled pages yellowed with age. The bulk of the carefully hand-written pages are in pen and ink, and, for the first five years, they are written in Dutch. The date on page one is July 12, 1950, showing that a dozen years of discussion, prayer, and planning occurred prior to the opening of the doors to students.
It seems that at 10:00 on this Tuesday morning, a group of 37 people gathered at a home in Houston to discuss the organization or a society that would eventually bring about the establishment of a Christian School in Houston. The significance of a 10:00 a.m. meeting is not to be overlooked. Many of those present were farmers, newly immigrated, and eager to make their work on the land a success. For them to meet midweek, in daylight, meant chores hastily done and the sacrifice of one working day out of an already short, frost-free season. This was clearly a meeting of deep importance!
These Christians of a Calvinistic persuasion, believed whole-heartedly that their religious convictions affected all of life. All aspects of their day-to-day existence came under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. God, whom they served, was the Creator and Upholder of all, and thus they were answerable to Him in all areas of their lives, including the education of their children. The immigrants wanted a school that would reinforce what was taught at home and in the church; they were determined to work towards Christian schooling for their covenant children.
Much patience and perseverance was required as those involved lacked much of what was required to start a school, such as money and English proficiency. But what they lacked in these areas, they more than made up for in faith and commitment. What followed was several years of obedient families encouraging one another as they gathered information and sacrificially raised funds.
From the humble beginnings of 47 children in the Christian Reformed Church basement in September of 1962, we stand in awe of the faithfulness of our God and where He has brought us today.
In the words of past president, Peter Lieuwen, “With the help of parents and supporters we will continue to operate our school in the years to come and we pray that the Lord will continue to bless us as He has in the past. With dedicated teachers, our children are receiving the best possible Christ-centered education. The beauty of a Christian community is that its hope is in the Lord to whom we may always turn in faith and humility of heart.”
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
If you would like to read more delightful stories of perseverance and devotion in the history of Houston Christian School, be sure to ask around and borrow a copy of “Stones for the Lord.” You’ll be glad you did.